No Asphalt Plants in Alexandria

Status of the Asphalt plants in Alexandria, Ohio:

Presently, there is 1 remaining proposed/planned asphalt plant in very close proximity to the floodplain and Raccoon Creek (one is less than 500 feet). Products used and substances created in asphalt production could contaminate drinking water for Granville, Alexandria and Newark.

Both proposed locations have governmental violations against them.

Plant 1 - Geiger Property, 1400 Tharp Road

Scioto Materials Plant #134
Scioto Materials - construction and operation of asphalt manufacturing 1400 Tharp Road in Alexandria.

What’s Next:

Shelly Company is presenting their plan to the Licking County Planning Commission on Monday, November 20. Originally, the plant located on the Geiger property on Tharp Road was going to be installed on the Agricultural parcel of the land. Due to a floodplain and other violations on the property, the work didn’t continue. Shelly Company’s new plan is to construct the aslphalt plant on the M1 Commercial parcel of the land and they are purportedly presenting this to the LCPC after months of delay.

Attendance at this very important meeting is vital in representing your community and holding local government leaders accountable for their decisions.


Plant 2 - Martin Trucking:
of 10/27, it has been reported in the Reporting Project, that Mar Zane has pulled out of this site, but may relocate elsewhere.

How can asphalt plants affect our drinking water?

The proposed locations of each asphalt plant sit on the Raccoon Creek. Alexandria, Granville & Newark draw their drinking water from the Racoon Creek as their main source of water.

Hunderds of local residents rely on well water and these plants present a serious threat to the quality and availability of our well water.

What is the estimated production impact of these asphalt plants?

  • Plants are expected to operate 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 300 days/year

  • 380 trucks/day would be required to load-out the hot-mix asphalt, resupply the materials, and return empty trucks

  • 600,000 tons of paving mix/year

  • Storage piles could cover up to 15 acres

What are the documented toxic substances released by asphalt processing plants into the air, water and soil?

  • Hydrogen Sulfide (colorless, poisonous gas)

  • Benzene (colorless, cancer-causing liquid)

  • Chromium (breathing in can cause respiratory damage)

  • Formaldehyde (pungent odor, eye/skin/respiratory irritant, probable for cancer-causing)

  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS; cause of lung/skin/stomach cancer)

  • Cadmium (breathing in low levels can cause kidney disease, lung damage and fragile bones)

  • Arsenic (enters air, soil and water from wind/runoff; cancer-causing)

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) is 4x the typical plant

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) is 2x a typical plant

  • Sulfur Dioxide (S02) is 10x a typical plant

What are some of the health risks associated with documented toxic substances released by asphalt processing plants?

Coughing, wheezing, asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure, headaches, fatigue, nausea and many more severe respiratory and cardiopulmonary complications.